Requirement for a Marriage License
- Both parties must be in the Bahamas at the time of application and have been a resident for 24 hours prior to the date of application.
- If either party has been divorced, the original final decree or a court certified copy with a raised seal must be produced. For Europeans, the original decree or a court certified copy with a raised seal must be produced in the native language along with a translated certified or notarized copy in English.
- If either party is widowed, an original or certified copy of the death certificate of the deceased spouse must be produced.
- For parties who have never married, a declaration certifying this fact must be sworn before a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths in the Bahamas and such declaration must accompany the marriage application.
- For all cruise ship passengers applying for a marriage licence must obtain a letter from the purser’s office stating that the ship has been in Bahamian waters for 24 hours prior to submitting application for a licence.
- Both parties must produce a valid passport for identification and evidence of the date of arrival in the Bahamas, which is the immigration entry card.
- Marriage licence fee is $100.